House 388
Project – House 388
Location – Awbridge
Scope of Works – Renovation + Extension
Located in rural Awbridge, this unassuming property has been completely transformed into a modern family home. A previously unused front garage has been replaced with a contemporary two storey extension, allowing the ground floor to become much more open plan whilst at first floor a new master suite is created with adjoining dressing area and ensuite bathroom.
The playful use of materials and detailing gives the property a real sense of character, with up-and-over timber cladding incorporated as a screening method, over-sailing the windows to the master bedroom to offer privacy and shading without blocking out light. The modern grey brickwork is similarly employed to create screening to the first floor hallway.
House 388 has previously been featured in Real Homes magazine as part of the Real Homes Transformation Awards 2016, where a short video tour was created.