Please answer these questions to tell us a bit more about your hopes for the project. The more we understand your wants and needs, the better we can build them into the design.
Confirm your contact details.
Please include your name(s), project name + address, email address and the best phone number to contact you with.
Who is the project for?
Tell us a bit about you, your family, any pets that need to be accommodated!
What is the scope of the project?
For example is it a new build, extension or renovation? Roughly how big are you imagining? Do you want to add space or make the existing space work better?
What specific spaces do you want?
You might want a separate utility room, or a master bedroom with ensuite and dressing room - give us a simple list of rooms or spaces you'd like.
What do you like about the current property?
If there are areas or features of your home that you'd like to keep, let us know here. If the project is a new build, you can leave this blank.
What do you not like about the current property?
Think about what you want to change. This could be whole rooms or specific features.
Do you want to capture any views?
Maybe you want to look onto the garden, or away from a busy road - we can consider this in our designs. Tell us what the view is and which direction it faces.
Are there specific materials you would like to be included?
If there is a particular cladding material, internal surface, etc. that you want to feature prominently, tell us about it here.
Do you want to include environmental features?
This could include renewable energy, specific materials or construction methods. Most environmental features represent a long-term saving, but they can also impact your build budget.
Do you know of any TPO trees?
These can affect where and how we build, so it's useful to know from the start. Please take note of any on neighbours' land as well as your own.
Is the property listed?
This includes the overall property (e.g. for 'local character') as well as the building itself.
Is the property in a conservation area?
Please also take note of SSSIs, ancient woodland, etc. Any designation that might affect the design!
Is the property in a flood risk area?
Are there any drainage issues?
Maybe the property uses a shared drain or is at the end of a run. If you plan to build over a Southern Water drain, we should know that too.
Are there any other ecological / environmental issues you think we should know?
Does your budget include VAT + fees?
This affects the size and spec we will sketch for you, so it's good to know from the outset.
Do you have any moodboards?
It can be useful for us to see any Pinterest boards, Instagram pages, etc. so we can get a feel for your style. Add links here.
Anything else?
Tell us any other details you think we should know. Maybe you want a specific home office setup, or you have a hobby with particular storage needs. Let us know here!